Sunday, April 20, 2008


Today, at a local outdoor fair of sorts, we were walking through a thick crowd of people. Mr. g says in a low murmur, "did you hear that?" Focused on working my way around people, I heard nothing and told him that. Mr. g told me the people behind us were having a conversation about faith. The woman was a mom to a baby who had died before birth, and the man was asking her if she felt it was Gods fault. According to Mr. g, her answer was no, but the man questioned the belief that if God was all powerful and good, why did that happen to her?

There are just too damn many of us.

In response to comments: Julia, I too wondered about their relationship and the nature of the conversation. I saw them walk away, and I will say I don't think he was the father, they were not walking like a couple or even a once upon a time couple. This fair had a booth of atheists, so I did wonder if he was part of that, since he seemed to be expressing a non belief in God. If I had heard the conversation and emotional tone, I would be able to make a better guess, but because Mr. g heard it, and only repeated what was said, I have no idea on why they were talking about this. I did have the urge to say something to woman, because I always do when I hear of someone else's loss.


Julia said...

Certainly too many.
But now I am wondering about the tone of that conversation and about the relationship of these two. Was the man the father of the baby or was he just using the woman's pain to push his own agenda for some reason?

CLC said...

It's sad to think about how many must suffer through this..

loribeth said...

Sadly, there are many more of us out there than most people could imagine...

niobe said...

We are everywhere. Marked with invisible scars.

Tash said...

Not only are we everywhere, but apparently the asshats who say completely inappropriate things are too. I might've stepped in there and decked that guy.

Coggy said...

Way too many of us and Niobe is right about the invisible scars. Sometimes I wish there was a way of knowing who.

mrsmaynard said...

Last night at out bereaved parents support group, my husband said we should all have pins.

Victim of Stillbirth
My baby died.....